Ackworth Friendship Book, Cross Stitch, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Quaker, Round Robin, Round Robins, supernatural, Sydney, With My Needle

Why does this perfect day have to end?

What a way to spend a Sunday … this evening I managed to put the final stitches into part 3 of our Ackworth Friendship Book which is being stitched as a round robin, which means I’ve now halfway through stitching on Nicki’s piece.

Quaker Friendship RR part 3 Nicki's

That in itself is a good achievement at the end of the day, but certainly not what all the excitement is about … Oh no, no, no, it was FAR more exciting than that!!!  No, today was the day that I spent in the company of Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins at the Supernatural Convention … and THAT is the reason I wish it didn’t have to end!!!  I’m still feeling a bit shell-shocked after the whole experience – in a good way! 😀

Supernatural Convention 3

I’ve got oodles of photos, but thought I’d share the experience with you with a select few … well, OK, about a dozen!! 😛

First of all, it was worth going just to get to watch about 5 of the upcoming episodes of Supernatural that haven’t been aired in Australia yet – how awesome to see them up on the huge big theatre screen above the stage!!  Apologies for most of these photos – they were taken in bad lighting from halfway back in the auditorium (although the photo of the big screen below came out suprisingly well!).

Supernatural Convention 1

Then we had chance to ask questions of Misha Collins for an hour – what a superb and fun speaker he is, and a great addition to the show.

Supernatural Convention 2

Afterwards it was time to start getting called for autograph sessions, and I took along my favourite computer wallpaper that I printed off at home, for Jensen Ackles to sign.  After just signing stock standard publicity photos he was apparently really impressed with my photo choice as he hadn’t seen it before, and had to pass it around to his offsiders before signing it … gave a great chance to have a quick chat with him {{insert heavy sigh of dreamy pleasure here}}.

Jensen autograph

After queueing up for an hour in the lunch queue, it was time to head back to the Auditorium where we signed up to buy a copy of the DVD covering the weekend’s events, and had chance to catch one final new episode of Supernatural before we were graced with the presence of Jared Padalecki … this was Katie’s chance to drool heavily, as Jared is her supreme favourite.

Jared 1

Supernatural Convention 4

Next up came my chance to drool and slobber, and I’m sure the reason I felt dehydrated coming home had nothing to do with the fact we hadn’t had a drink all day, but rather that I was sat with my mouth gaping open in awe at seeing Jensen Ackles in the flesh on stage!  {{insert another heavy sigh of dreamy delight}}  Yes, I know, I’m like a love-sick teenager, but I just can’t help myself 😉

Supernatural Convention 6

Supernatural Convention 11

Supernatural Convention 5

Jared and Jensen spoke individually on stage for 1/2 hour each, then we had the pleasure of having the two of them back on stage together, while Jared acted like a child with ADD and the two of them stuffed themselves with Fantales candies.  They did manage to field a few more questions from the audience inbetween clowning around and taking cracks at each other.

Supernatural Convention 8

Supernatural Convention 7

Supernatural Convention 12

The day finished with Misha Collins coming to join them on stage, and Jared and Jensen drew on T-shirts to auction off for charity … at $3,000 a pop I’d say the auction was a huge success, and the Starlight Foundation will be thrilled with the proceeds.

Supernatural Convention 9

Supernatural Convention 10

So, what can I say, aside from “WOW, what an awesome day!!!” – a perfect finish to my fortnight of annual leave … and I’ll definitely be having fun memories for years to come.  Now all we need now is for Channel Ten to pull their fingers out of their proverbial behinds and get Episode 9 onwards onto Australian TV – Misha Collins couldn’t believe we were only up to episode 8, to which he got a thunderous response in agreement from the audience … so, come on Channel Ten, come to the party!!!

18 thoughts on “Why does this perfect day have to end?”

  1. Sounds like you had an awesome time!! So jealous of you and everyone else that got to go! Great photos you took, I think you will be on a permanent high for the next few months 😀 Oh and by the way – Supernatural returns to channel ten on Monday May 4th at 9:30pm so tune in!!

    Glad you had an amazing time! 😀

  2. OMG I am so jealous. I LOVE Supernatural and Jared is so funny. I have one favorite ending to an episode but not sure if you have seen it yet.

  3. Guess we know what, or rather who, you’ll be dreaming of for awhile! 😀 Glad you had such a super time.

  4. I wish we would only have J2 and Misha at a Con, that would be more than enough for me. I love some of the co-stars, especially Jim Beaver, but those three make up the perfect Con, IMHO.

    Thanks for sharing your report with us, and your photos, too!

    Love, Robin

  5. I was glad to read you enjoyed your day, then at least someone did.

    My day just sucked, yesterday, the day you posted this I had to study alot since well, today we had to go to school again after a two week vacation.

    Did you sit far cos if you did, your camera is really good. May I ask what brand & type it is?? If you sat close, then lucky you!!!

    My camera photos turned out crappy!

  7. I know it’s been 4 months since you saw the two utterly most gorgeous boys men in the flesh…but i only just discovered this blog (shame on me) your photos have turned out Awesome….I was close to tears at the end of the convention….mostly cuz i didn’t want it to end (who did?) once again….AWESOME photos

  8. Having met the J’s, but not yet Misha (I’m so sad), I know your delight, my friend! I love Jensen and Jared dearly, I’m old enough to be their mom, yet still lust for their handsome faces and perfect bods. I’m still a woman! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting them several times (I was fortunate to go to Vancouver and watch them film an episode, then meet them afterward). Their parents brought them up right, that’s for sure, they are southern gentlemen!

    Love, Robin

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