SBQ, Stitching Smalls

SBQ – Finishing Links

(Edited to add a few more links I tracked down, as the original pages had been moved…)

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Carol and is:

“Do you have any good internet links to tutorials for your favorite finishing techniques that you would like to share?”

Funnily enough, I’ve been thinking for a while now to have a page set up on my blog dedicated to my finishing links! Here goes my list of finishing links and tutorials – there are loads here that others have no doubt already listed, but there may be some other unknown ones (I thought I had some others too, but I can’t find them at the moment):

Different Techniques:


Needleroll instructions:



Scissor case:

Scissor fobs:



Fabric Book Covers:





Cording, Tassels, & Miscellaneous:

11 thoughts on “SBQ – Finishing Links”

  1. thanks for posting this list Anne, some of these links I’d totally forgotten about so I’ll be making sure I bookmark them this time!

  2. Anne,

    Thanks for the kind comments about my finished Lighthouse and Chickens projects – having a second, unbiased opinion is always helpful (I only had my hubby’s opinion before…). By the way, my mother and brother LOVED them!

    Denver, Colorado, USA

  3. Hi Anne! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! You sure received some lovely stitched gifts…hmmmm I wonder how they all knew that you liked blue?

    You sure are making great progress on your 50 projects!!!

    Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

  4. WOW!! Thanks for posting all of these links. I was browsing through some of them already and I’m sure they will definitely come in handy.

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